Thursday, January 31, 2008


After posting my floor plans last night (see post below) I woke up this morning with a new outlook on my project and a (what I think is) great idea! I got out of bed, drank my coffee and drove to the office (where I left my trace and markers) and sketched this idea.

I was trying to think of how to combine the 3 levels of space (1st - retail, 2nd - fitness, 3rd - green space). I was also trying to figure out to implement the concept of "fitness" into the design of the building and tie that in with my element of water.

Essentially, I would like to carry the element of water through the building (2nd floor). I would like to implement a ramp on the west (right) side to have outdoor access to the green space on the rooftop. I would also like to incorporate a stairway (inside the pool area) to a balcony above the pool for diving. (I loved Ennos early comment on "falling bodies in front of a tall skyscraper." )

Although these sketches are not well developed, I wanted to share and express my ideas on paper while I was still excited about them!

Looking forward to developing this plan this week!

These are just schematic designs - Please see the post below for the original floor plans ( I posted on Wednesday 1/30). Thanks!

1 comment:

enno said...


Yes, this is quite an improvement! The previous plans were allright, but these new ideas spice them up quite a bit by introducing an usualy form of vertical circulation to integrate the roof levels.

The notion of applying your topic to the site in a wider sense is as noteworthy as is your quest of integrating the components of your design into a coherent conceptual and spatial relationship.

The ramps up could be integrated with stairs as shortcuts and sitting areas, because they are such a prominent feature of your idea.

My comment on the diving board was more of a warning of that imagery, but still you could explore that idea.

I like the zoning of the previous plan with its open plan and interaction between the program. That is a good starting point: when you develop the plans keep that open feel and the views that link the programs, the pool and the outdoors. You might want to consider some double height spaces to get similar relationships in section.

I appreciate your energy and capacity for self critique!

Go on,