Saturday, January 5, 2008

Meaning in Architecture

Captains Log: Stardate - January 5, 2008: I think I have been sitting at my desk for several hours now...with my stack of photos, trying to make sense of the mess I have created. I was getting frustrated when I couldn't put my elements into "collections" or categories because they all had so many emotional aspects I could not separate them from one another. I kept asking myself "What makes each of these places meaningful to me? How can something have meaning for you, if you haven't experienced and dont have an emotional connection to it?" And then I was the emotions that I experienced at each of these places that created meaning for me. But how would I make "collections" of emotions? The answer came to me when I realized that I experienced different kinds of emotions - and that is how I grouped my collections. I grouped the photos together, then selected the overwhelming emotion I felt when I observed the photos - the birth of the categories: LOVE, PRIDE, CONNECTIVITY. (Now I know "connectivity is not really an "emotion" per say, but that is why this is called the preliminary posting - and I'm asking all of my fellow students to please comment and help me be a bit more eloquent!) Looking forward to your comments!

1 comment:

Eric Randall said...

Michelle -

I cannot wait to see the stack of photos you will be using to illustrate these emotions. I think "emotion" in architecture is one of the central elements, and my collection represents that as well - though differently than how you've grouped yours. I think you have to ask yourself first of all who is making the connection? If its your personal connection to the work (rather than an undefined nebulous group), and I suspect it may be, are you really meaning "nostalgia"? That is a key element to my collection and I'm curious if you had made the same....uh....connection?