Monday, February 18, 2008

Floor Plans

Just for you Enno.....

Street Level

Plaza Level

Roof Deck Level


enno said...


Here are some graphic comments:

- show in the plans which parts of the wall are transparent and which are solid. Currently, the plans contradict your elevations. Especially the wall at the pool should read very transparent and show it can be opened up to the pool.

content: the area between the gymn and the food court still is to narrow, but maybe making the wall more transparent will help.

- what happens at the ground where the waterfall disappears into the pavement?

- the night views are not so successful: they look more like a cartoon of a building rather than a building and they don't show any activities on the inside. Post them in the "exploration and research category".

Mike said...


Nice looking plans, overall. On the top floor (with the trellis), I'm having a little trouble understanding what the different symbols represent. The trees read very clearly on the other levels, but that top floor is a bit more mysterious (maybe that's intentional?).

Melissa said...

Hey michelle -

I agree with enno on the colored drawings and the first one looks like the building is falling over.

On the top floor, I would love to see how the landscape below related to the terraces. I am assuming you will add color and notes since all your other drawings had that and i think that will help.

My other comment would be that the restrooms are coming across as something you spent a lot of time on. you might want to simply label them and put the attention-calling details in other areas.

Things are looking good!!